A. Installing Mageplaza Extension

1. You are required to install Mageplaza extension in your Magento Backend first for before setting up the webhooks. 

Here is the link for the Magaplaza Plugin: https://github.com/mageplaza/magento-2-webhook


B. Setting up the webhooks in Mageplaza Extension

  1. From side menu > Mageplaza > Webhook > Manage Hooks
  2. From the Add New dropdown > Order
  4. From the General Information tab, enter:
    Name: Zetpy Order
    Status: Enable
    Order Status: Press CRTL while selecting all the options
    Priority: Leave blank
  5. From the Actions tab, enter:
    Payload URL: https://<app.zetpy.com>/magento/webhooks/ordercreate/<consumer_key>?id={{ item.entity_id }} (Change the blue text)
    Method: POST
    Content Type: application/json
    Other fields leave as default


6. Then Save