1. Go to Orders.
2. Select your channel orders (e.g. Shopee Malaysia).
3. Tick on the checkbox beside the Order Ref Number to select the orders that you would like to export.
4. Then, click Export to Excel button. The Excel file will be auto-downloaded to your desktop.
5. The following details describes the format of the Excel file that will be created when you export orders:
# Order Ref: The order reference / ID.
Order Creation Date: The date when the payment was captured for the order.
SKU No: The item SKU number.
Channel: Channel Name.
Account: Number of your channel account.
Product Name: The name of the product item.
Order Status: Whether the order Ready To Ship, Shipped, Completed, Unpaid, Cancelled, and Return.
Payment Method: The payment method used to pay the order.
Original Price: The price of the product item purchased.
Discounted Price: The discount price of product item purchased.
Quantity: The quantity of the product item purchased.
Item Tax: The cost of the product item tax.
Item Tax Rate: The total cost of the product item tax.
Item Tax Type: The type of the product item tax (Inclusive or Exclusive)
Product Subtotal: The order's subtotal before shipping and taxes.
Discount: The amount of the discount applied to the order.
Voucher Code
Voucher Discount
Buyer Paid Shipping Fee
Shipping Tax: The total cost of the shipping tax.
Shipping Tax Type: The type of the shipping tax (Inclusive or Exclusive)
Tracking No
Coin: Shopee coin.
Grand Total: The total cost of the order.
Shipping Rebate
Reverse Shipping
Transaction Fee
Commission Fee
Service Fee
Order Income
Billing Name: The first and last name from the customer's billing address.
Billing Phone: The customer's billing phone number.
Billing Address: The full line of the billing address.
Billing Postcode: The customer's billing address postal code.
Billing City: The customer's billing address city.
Billing State: The customer's billing state or province.
Billing Country: The customer's billing country.
Receiver Name: The first and last name of the customer's name.
Receiver Phone: The customer's phone number.
Shipping Address: The full line of the shipping address.
Shipping Postcode: The customer's billing shipping postal code.
Shipping City: The customer's shipping address city.
Shipping State: The customer's shipping state or province.
Shipping Country: The customer's shipping country.
Buyer Message
Seller Note
If you have any issues or questions, please drop us an email at support@zetpy.com