For your information, on Import Product Settings, you can see:

i. Auto Sync Price: Auto update price from QBO to Zetpy Product Core.

ii. Auto Sync Stock: Auto update stock from QBO > Zetpy Product Core > Marketplace/Webstore.

iii. Auto Sync Products: Auto sync products from QBO to Zetpy Product Core.

iv. Last Product Fetch Date: Set today's date or prior to this date.


Refer to the steps as follows to sync products from QuickBooks to Zetpy.

1. Go to Zetpy QuickBooks plugin > Products tab.

2. Click on Sync Products.


3. The product will then appear in the list with ‘Success’ status and Sync Date.


4. Go to Zetpy Product Core and click on edit button to update any information such as description, package dimension and image. The product is ready to sync to marketplace and webstore.

Note that:

Just click on Single or Variant product to add/edit your product.

i. Single product - How To Add Single Product In Zetpy?

ii. Variant product - How To Add Variation Product In Zetpy?


If you have any issues or questions, please drop us an email at